Corrosion inhibitor for cooling circuits

Corrosion can be defined as the destruction of a metal by electrochemical reaction with its environment or by chemicals. In cooling systems, corrosion causes two fundamental problems. The first and most obvious is equipment failure with the resulting cost of replacement and plant downtime. The second is the decrease in plant efficiency due to heat transfer loss due to heat exchanger fouling caused by the buildup of corrosion products.


Corrosion control requires a change in the metal or the environment. The first approach, changing the metal, is expensive. In addition, high alloy materials, which are very resistant to general corrosion, are more prone to localized corrosion mechanisms such as stress corrosion. The second approach, changing the environment, is a practical method widely used to prevent corrosion. In aqueous systems, there are three ways to effect an environmental change to inhibit corrosion:
form a protective film of calcium carbonate on the metal surface using the calcium and natural alkalinity in it. water
remove corrosive oxygen from water, either by mechanical or chemical degassing
add corrosion inhibitors
We formulate corrosion inhibitors allowing you to treat your cooling systems in the most efficient way. obvious.